Street Snap

I was heading over for a sneaky Thrusday snifter last week when I was stopped in my enthusiastic tracks by a spiffing young man by the name of Stephen, who kindly asked to take my photie. Luckily through my my awesome powers of STALKING I registered that he was not in fact another crazy loon with a canon, and that he was the author of one of my fave Irish fashion blogs Stiches, Fabric and Soul. I wonder if he knew that if he’d had asked me to write ‘Trashbag’ on my face in mushy peas and jump on a plate of Coppinger Row’s calamari I would have done so with a smile on my face for him?

Stephen’s kind words:

I’m just going out on a limb here. . .

. . . thinking that Rumi Neely of fashiontoast is a possible style influence for this woman.
To be honest though, the initial reason I took this photo was because of the skirt length. It just seems so current, despite the hems offered by Isabel Marant, Balmain, et al for the current and upcoming seasons. After that though, everything else became much more apparent – the plausible Jeffrey Campbell shoes (though, and don’t hate me, I think they’re Topshop), the leopard print, the statement jewels, and ombre hair.
It’s great to see her translate this very tough and gothic style to our shores, all the time channelling her inspiration.

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